Ruby's Ukes
Vancouver's Ukulele Haven for the Hip Ukester
Daphne Roubini is the founder, owner and director of Ruby's Ukes, some do call her Ruby! Daphne is responsible for the programming throughout Ruby's Ukes school and its evolution forward. She is a professional singer (Black Gardenia, and Ruby & Smith), and has a foundation in Jazz studies from City Lit in London and Kodaly musicianship training from the British Kodaly Academy. She plays the piano and Ukulele. She loves simply playing the Ukulele and has used her knowledge of Kodaly concepts to easily, enjoyably and successfully teach thousands of students! She understands the value of a different approach to teaching music to adults and it is partly this understanding that underpins the Ruby's Ukes unique approach that makes it fun and easy! Daphne is always working on her own vocal technique and is currently writing an album of original tunes to be recorded in 2024 on the Cellar Live Jazz label.
Daphne brings her deep understanding of the Ruby's Ukes method, years of experience as a singer and instructor, structured yet intuitive teaching style, and her authentic London sense of humour!
Andrew Smith is a professional musician, and live sound engineer, as well as one of our beloved Ruby's Ukes teachers. He has been playing his guitar and performing since he was a young teen performing in a folk duo with his sister as teenagers in England. He now regularly performs professionally (Ruby & Smith and Black Gardenia). His extensive knowledge of Jazz, Folk, and Finger-style guitar has translated beautifully onto his Ukulele playing and he loves sharing his tips, techniques and tricks to get his students sounding like real pros! His knowledge and supportive teaching style has students loving his Ukulele classes and workshops!
Andrew has graced the stages of the Vancouver, Winnipeg, and Mission Folk Festivals in Canada with his darlin' Ukulele in hand. As well as many other prestigious stages. He's approachable, friendly, kind, and above all a great instructor and fun teacher!
Eduardo Garcia the newest member of the Ruby’s Ukes teaching faculty, originally from Mexico, Eduardo has quickly become a Vancouver Ukulele staple. Being both classically and traditionally trained, he was active in a wide diversity of music projects in Mexico, teaching, performing and writing music. Eduardo also played the cello and arranged for the ‘Victor Manuel Medeles’ chamber orchestra. He was the founder/director of the Academia de Ukuleles de la Ribera (Lakeside Ukulele Academy. Eduardo brings a gentle, unassuming, classical approach to music and the ukulele, an instrument now very close to his heart. Now he loving the genre of chord melody playing on the ukulele!
What our students are saying…..
“Ruby, I SO enjoyed your class…
Every one of your classes was filled with humour, challenges, victories, and fun.”
“Ruby’s Ukes…perhaps the largest Ukulele School in the world outside of Hawaii ”
– Ukulele Magazine
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