Ruby’s Ukes Memories Page
Wendi Lacusta
“I'm so happy I was part of Ruby's Ukes. It opened the music door to me in such a joyful way . I have missed the learning and friendships and fun I had in your downtown Vancouver location and am grateful that I was part of it for that short while. The passion and dedication of all of you; Hansol ,Eduardo, Andrew and Daphne ; was infectious and encouraging. I'm still friends with some of my classmates and that is testament to the healthy legacy you had in your vision Daphne. Thank you all. And great success on your next dreams.”
Tiffany Soper
“Hi Ruby,
I just wanted to thank you for inspiring me to play the ukulele and for all of the memorable lessons! I have moved to Nelson BC and found a great ukulele community here to continue my playing. I play once a week with some girlfriends and we organize a Ukulele Pub Group every quarter that brings together over 40 uke enthusiast to play as a group. I will always have fond memories of Ruby’s Uke’s, my lessons with you and the team, and the ukulele festival. Wishing you the very best!”
Michele Goyette (RUO)
"I had a wonderful experience at Ruby’s Ukes. Not only did I learn to play the delightful ukulele, I learned to read tab, I played in a ukulele orchestra, I grew and stretched as a musician, made lasting friendships, was part of a generous and talented community and was taught by some off the best teachers around; Andy, Eduardo, Patrick and Tim.
Many, many thanks to them (I learned so much!), And to Hansol for keeping everything running so smoothly behind the scenes, and to you Ruby, for having a beautiful dream, sharing it with us and building something truly extraordinary. I will always be grateful."
Dallas Hooke
“I’m so sad to hear that Rubys Ukes is no more (for now!) I learned so much from you and I’m continuing to play at ukulele circles regularly. It’s so much fun, and I credit my love of playing the uke to you and your wonderful school. Thank you so much for all you’ve done for us. I will always be grateful.”
Jen Burroway
“A favorite memory from Ruby Ukes' online classes is that time Eduardo Garcia gave us a song with 31 chords in it. LOL, the chord chart took up a third of the page! I thought I would never get through it. Today "Autumn in New York" is still one that I enjoy playing regularly and a wonderful exercise for practicing jazz chords. I am really going to miss your online classes. I've learned so much over the past few years and the instructors and other students have been fantastic. My one regret is that I was never able to visit in person, I'd always hoped to do so. Best wishes to you and all of your instructors on your future endeavours. You all have so much talent, I know you will succeed whatever your goals.”
Cindy Shoemaker
“Last night in Class we talked about our last Concert. Five of us who Played on Stage and two who watched. We all remember it as a Wonderful night ! Thank you for giving us so many opportunities to experience Uke love. We are Grateful for the good memories, friendships and for you. One of my memories: Synchrichonicity. When we were practicing for our last concert with Tim we worked hard to perfect every song.
When it all came together we collectively became more than ourselves and felt an amazing musical high. Hard to forget moments like that.”
Shirley Fowler
“My memories of Ruby's Ukes are learning, laughter, lovely tea breaks and lots of other good stuff too! The Uke Festivals' were especially wonderful as well.
I continue to play the mighty uke as it gives me joy, lovely friends and lots of laughter. Thank-you to Ruby, Andy and dear Hansol and all other teachers' who were a part of my learning at Ruby's Ukes.”
Wendy Cutler
You've been such a force in the local Vancouver scene - I remember when you just showed up said you were putting on a festival and we were all agog, and then you started classes, and sent your people to the Vancouver Ukulele Circle, and then we had to find a new place because we'd grown too big for where we were meeting! And now we have 800 people on our mailing list, and so much of that is your doing. I hope your next venture is just as exciting. I'm eager to hear what you're up to.”
John Cloutier
“I’m sorry to see the finale of Ruby’s Ukes, but I totally get moving on to different things. I wanted to thank you for Ruby’s Ukes as it was my intro to anything musically and it’s something that I still do to this day and it’s opened up a part of my creativity that I doubt would have been tweaked into interest otherwise. Great lessons and always enjoyed going when I took classes with you and your team. While I stopped with lessons, I continue to play and have been taking voice lessons for the past 3 years to add to my playing. I will always try to see you guys perform if I’m ever in town when there is an event happening. All the best in your new adventures!”
Patrick McIntyre
“It is with much sadness yet pride that I say farewell to Ruby’s Ukes. I first signed up for classes in 2018, hoping that the unassuming ukulele could someday allow me to take part in musical theatre. However, five years later I feel like I have been given so much more. I cannot only proudly play the ukulele, but I can now read music, see the individual notes being played on recordings, and I am able to appreciate the art and craft of musicianship. Daphne, Andrew, Hansol, Eduardo, I wish for you a future that is bright, beautiful, and filled with joy. Your gift to me lives and grows in my heart, and I hope, in some way, I can share a little of that gift with others.”
“Hi Ruby,
Thank you for letting us know about the school. I am so sad to hear it, but I believe it will be a good start for Andy, Hansol, Eduardo and you. I look forward to hearing from you about your new venture! I joined Ruby's Ukes probably in 2011 or 2012 and took over 10 courses! I enjoyed those lessons so much that I have continued to play the ukulele. I really appreciated all of you. I will continue to play the ukulele as one of your four string friends."
Lea Laberge
“To the wonderful people at Ruby’s Ukes. I am so sorry to have to say goodbye. I have been taking lessons from your school since 2015 . I have had the pleasure of taking beginning lessons from Ruby, intermediate and advanced from Andy and Eduardo, and following the lead of Tim in the orchestra. All lessons were fun and joyous. I have very fond memories of the delicious snacks at break time!
Thanks to your generous donations of ukuleles,I was able to teach ukulele to the families and staff at Froghollow Neighborhood House. The ukes continue to be used today. I was so happy that you introduced Zoom lessons during Covid as I have been able to continue with lessons after moving to the Sunshine Coast. My Thursday evenings will be a lot emptier now.
My very favourite memory is of my first beginner class with Ruby. We were a bit nervous and not sure what was going to happen but by the end of that class , after learning You can’t always get what you want, we all felt like rock stars!
I want to wish you all the very best on your new journeys!”
Mary Gisslow
“To all at Ruby's Ukes,
I'm a relative newcomer to Ruby's Ukes and wish I had been around for the days I've heard stories about. However I'm grateful to have had the opportunity to enjoy several months of ukulele magic with you. I will miss you a lot, but things change and I wish you all the very best with your next endeavours. Special thanks to Andrew for his wonderful classes! A big hug to all of you, and THANK YOU FOR THE MUSIC!”
Kristin Selle
“Thank you so much for doing this and for everything you’ve done for us over the years! I have so much love in heart for all you and the last 10 magical years being part of Ruby’s Ukes! With love and so much appreciation.”
Faye Maddock
“Hi Andy,
I would like to thank you very much for all the years of ukulele lessons. You have been so inspirational. I feel very sad to think that it is ending but it was a great run. I've been taking lessons from you since you came to Ann MacDonald Hall in North Vancouver, just before covid started. At first I thought on line lessons wouldn't be very good but I think I've learned more with the online classes than before. The one thing I regret is not playing with others. You have certainly put a lot of work into preparing the lessons and teaching them. Very best wishes for the next stage in your musical career. I hope our paths cross again some time. Thanks again for being my ukulele teacher.”
Alpha Lam
“Hi Daphne/Andrew!
The ukelele school has been a huge source of joy for me in the past year. Thank you for all you've done to support learners and create a community for uke lovers! I’ll always remember the ukelele jam at Sunset Beach on July 9, 2023 when I realized the joy of strumming together. Thank you for all you’ve done to help people express themselves through music and creating community. Best of luck on the next chapter of your lives!”
Heather VanOene
Thank you so much. I took lessons with Andrew and loved it. Still playing.
I wish all of the best and again Hank you for helping me start my ukelele journey”
Carol Longman
“Dear Daphne/ Ruby, Andrew and all -
I will admit to shedding some tears upon reading this email, which is okay because it shows how important this dear ukulele school has been to me over the last number of years. My wish upon retirement was to learn the ukulele. And I found your school, and will remember so fondly those early classes with Andrew in the dear little hall in North Vancouver. Then classes in the beautiful studio downtown, and then via zoom which you all segwayed to so masterfully and quickly. We could continue strumming and singing in our own little bubbles, but together cutting the reality of the isolation of the time. And then back to the option of group lessons in a new, more humble setting, but all the important elements present. Nothing is permanent, and with caring and appreciating people in our lives comes wishing nothing but the best for them. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you and wish you all the best in all your new endeavours.
Enjoyment from my ukulele, and my memories of Ruby’s Ukes will go on and if our paths cross again, it will be all that much better."
Ed Dorosh
“Hi Ruby,
My goodness, it just seems like it was yesterday that I was taking the intermediate course with you and Guido. It was my springboard into being able to play the ukulele with some proficiency and being then able to take JHUI courses with James Hill. None of that would ever have happened without your course and for that I’m eternally grateful. Even though I’ve not taken some courses with you since that time, I’ve followed your progress and seen you grow into a real force. It’s sad to me to see you go and even if your business was bought by someone else I think it wouldn’t be the same without you. At any rate I wish you and all your marvellous teachers the best of luck in all your endeavours in the future. With the drive you’ve shown in this business I’m sure anything you do will have great success. Best wishes always.”
Brian Rendell
“Thanks for the adventure. I took a couple of yiur courses and enjoyed and learned. Good luck with your next adventure. Congratulations on your last.”
“I'm so sad. Two Ukulele institutions are closing - Bonerattle and Ruby's. We will miss the camaraderie. My favorite moment was when Eduardo taught us to play Quien Será in the short-lived 5 week Spanish uke course. It was enough time for me to do something I never thought possible - the Latin Strum. And it's like learning to ride a bicycle, I've never forgotten it. The course was never repeated but I got a gift for life. Thank you to Ruby's that made it possible. Best wishes to you on your new adventures.
Jane Paddon
“Good luck and thank you for all your years of devoted instruction.”
Errol Lipschitz
“G_d bless you Daphne. Thanks for the memories.”
Jean Mah
“To Ruby,Eduardo,Andrew and Hansol
A HUGE cry of dismay on hearing of your shutting down of classes. Where am I going to find such a thoughtful and clever teacher like Eduardo. I have enjoyed his song selections with each session . They were fun to learn and I enjoyed learning and attempting each embellishment. Best wishes to each of you in your future endeavours and I hope I will have the opportunity to learn with you again.”
Andeen Pitt
“Thank you for the music. You created something whose legacy will live on in the many ukesters who were part of this movement called Ruby’s Ukes. I will be forever grateful.”
Terry Mcneney
“I am so sad to hear this news. But I understand the changes you all want. I want to wish all of you the best in your future undertakings.”
Veronica Paauw
“Best of luck in your new venture, Ruby! All good things come to an end eventually.”
Judy Heintz
“Thank you to Ruby for all she has done.”
Ghyslaine Gray
“Dear Andrew,
Thanks so much for the lovely classes. Mary and I (front row, always early) thoroughly enjoyed your teaching style. Even though we have a long way to go on our ukelele journey we have come a long way, from complete beginners to having a hope. Please do let me know if the classes might start up again at some point. I wish you well with your future plans.”
Liz Gosselin
“…The backstage at the Sakura Festival at VanDusen concert may be non descript, but for me marks a milestone. I became a member and volunteer shortly afterwards at the garden and have been there since (2013). Wishing you all the best.”
Janice Unanader
“Thank you and Blessings on your continuing journey!!"
Elisa Jung
“I thank Ruby’s Ukes, especially Andrew, for the most positive experience in my beginning journey of playing the uke!!! It has been a perfect fit to my random discovery of picking up playing an instrument, as part of my self-rehab to re-train my cognitive skills (I had brain surgery 2 years ago to remove a benign giant meningioma). I am very grateful to be where I am at today and the last set of weekly classes with Andrew has added another joyful hobby for me… I feel blessed to have met Andrew & others in my Ruby’s Ukes’ short but very sweet sessions. I shall keep learning & hope to cross paths again in the wider Ukes community!!"
Anna Delaney
“Dear Daphne,
I'm so sad to hear this, but you had very big shoes to fill, for someone to take over Ruby's Ukes! I want to send a BIG thank you to you and all the team! I joined during the panademic and so enjoyed Eduardo's classes, that I've carried on since then. I've also enjoyed the workshops that you and Andrew held. You did an incredible job during the pandemic, moving to online and your online classes and platform has been great. I've learned SO much since 2020 and always in such a welcoming environment. Wishing you only the best in your new path - thanks for all you have given - it has meant so much to me to learn to play the uke, to connect and to improve.”
Kathleen Symmons
“Thank you Ruby! - and Andrew and all!
You are a true gem. I will be looking forward to hearing what is next for you.”
Edna Einsiedel (from Calgary)
“Thank you so much to Ruby’s Ukes for helping me advance and refine my uke playing, for showing me the fun and challenges of ensemble playing, and for doing all these while continuing to combine challenges with plain fun! I am particularly grateful for the several classes I took with Eduardo – whose patience was boundless, who made advanced playing seem effortless and enjoyable, and who stretched my musical education to new heights through this little four-stringed instrument. Muchas gracias, Eduardo, and to Ruby’s Ukes.”
Nadine Garcia
“I do want to say that I am sad that Ruby's Ukes is going away since I just discovered you! But, I am happy that I had a chance to take the beginner's 9 week course/ workshop with Andrew! What a wonderful teacher he is (I made sure to tell him too : ). His laid-back, outside-of-the-box style works so well - especially for us older folks who can be very "stuck" in learning things a certain way. I am nearing 60, and finally grabbed that Ukulele that was sitting in the closet. It was meant for my son during his intermediate school days...now it's mine. Andrew, and the other students in that class, have inspired me to continue with my musical creative expression. My goal is to join those Ukulele circles at some point soon, practice daily, and retire in Maui with the ability to play my Ukulele and sing every single day. Thank you to all of you for the great experience.”
Wendy Orvig
“I can only say…without Ruby’s Ukes, my uke would probably have dust on it!
You, Andrew, Eduardo and Hansel keep me going (and don’t forget through Covid era) and it has remained my happy go-to and will be for life. Thank you for that!”
Fern Collins
“To Daphne, Eduardo and Andrew,
I am really going to miss you all.Your Zoom classes and workshops helped me through COVID months of isolation here in Florida. I continued taking classes and workshops since the beginning! I will definitely miss my Thursday classes with Eduardo.Please let me know if any of you offer future classes or workshops.
Best of luck to all of you in your future life adventures.”
Lorna Ellema
“Best memories?
My children had piano lessons & just like school & sports events, I was present to pretty much all of them.The first time Ruby arranged a "recital" for the newbies, wish I can remember the venue, my daughter came to see me when my uke mates played on stage. I wanted to laugh out loud, coz you know, the role reversed. Miss Ruby is such a lovely lady. I bought my grandkids ukes hoping I could interest them & the plan was take lessons again with them but... anyway I think I will take classes again.Thank you for reaching out. All the best.”
Susan Croome
“Wishing you all the best Daphne.”
Yvonne Koo Leong
“Hi Daphne,
It seems just like yesterday with our ukulele rendez-vous at "Our Town". I remember listening to your beautiful voice as you strummed your uke in your solo performances and also along with Andrew's guitar.It was your dream to have your Ukulele school to help people enjoy music, play the uke, sing, laugh and share the everlasting camaraderie. How we all looked forward to the next ukulele evening. We, I and my husband Bob, admired and envied your talent. Yes, congratulations, you were able to fulfil your dream.”
Carol McAusland
“Hi Daphne,
I was very sad to read that Ruby's Ukes is going on an indefinite hiatus. Seems like the end of an era. I have very happy memories (of being in _way_ over my head) in Guido's Advanced class. I think that was more than a decade ago! I'm glad that you are creating a Memories page."
Angela Aquino
“I can't remember when it was exactly, maybe sometime in 2014. For whatever reason, I felt compelled to buy a ukulele. I had played guitar since I was a teenager and wanted something cute, fun, and new to learn. So I bought a ukulele,a chord book, and a Beatles song book. Self learning wasn't that fun though so I looked for any groups or schools that offered uke lessons. That's when I came across Ruby's Ukes. I remember going to my first class at the Seymour location and meeting Daphne for the first time. She was so lovely and welcoming, as was everyone else in that class. I felt like I found my kula, my posse, my community of fellow uke nerds, lol.
At the last class of that first course, I remember Daphne invited anyone who wanted to play and sing in front of the class. I had been learning Here, There, and Everywhere from my Beatles song book which had some Bb chords which we had learned in class. I nervously volunteered. Omg I was so nervous. It was my first time to ever play or sing in front of people. But I remember Daphne sitting near the front and giving me the most encouraging smile. She told me this was the safest place to try something like this. And so I played. And I sang. And even though my hands and voice were shaking, I loved every moment of it. I honestly feel like this was one of those moments that allowed me to level up, haha, from the fear and nervousness, I definitely gained confience in myself. (Daphne, I don't know if you have video of this anywhere, but if you do, I would love to see it!!)
Because of such a positive experience with the first class, I was hooked. I joined a few more classes and eventually joined the orchestra. I so looked forward to Monday nights for Orchestra. This was the highlight of my week for many years. I loved learning new songs, learning new techniques, and focusing on picking melody as Uke 1. Under the guidance of Tim and eventually Eduardo, I so loved the challenge of not only playing and contributing to my part, but getting to the point when we all started to gel together, and the music and harmonies started to work and make sense. It was absolutely beautiful and I have so many memories that I will hold onto always. I remember sitting with Teri, Mona, and Genea in the back row, just giggling and cursing whenever we fucked up. But we were always determined to get our parts right, but sometimes when the brain and fingers don't cooperate, it was quite comedic.
One of my favourite orchestra memories was when we played Bohemian Rhapsody for the first time in a show. We practiced for weeks and weeks and weeks. I remember the nervous energy in the orchestra when we started the song at the show. I also remember the nervous energy from the audience as they listened to every note, every strum and every pluck. I remember getting to the solo part and preparing for the subsequent fast/odd tempo part and then driving toward the finish line. I remember playing the last note, and the orchestra beside and behind me exhale. I remember the complete silence for a split second, looking out into the audience and just sensing that they were holding in.....and then the burst of applause!!! I was so proud of us, we made it through and we sounded amazing!! And after the show, my mom, who was in the audience told me, "wow you're actually good!". Hahah yes mom, we are!
There are many other moments that I can write about. Daphne and the Ruby's Ukes team -- a heartfelt thank you to each of you for building this community and allowing me to be part of it. You created a space that allowed me to open myself and connect with others in such a unique way. Life has gotten busy on my end but I always thought that I would return back to Ruby's Ukes. I am very sad for the end of this version of it, but looking forward to whatever comes next. I will be there to support you. "
Nancy B
“Dear Daphne, Andrew, Hansol, and Eduardo,
I am catching up on months of emails and see with regret that I missed your earlier announcement about the impending end of Ruby's Ukes and your call for memories. I also see the lovely Memories page and the great photos in the Gallery.
Although this is too late (and too long) for the memories page, it's still sincere:
It is always sad to see the end of an era, and Ruby's Ukes has been such a force in Vancouver that you will be sorely missed, and very hard to match.
You introduced me and my friends to ukelele and made it so much fun. Just today I am playing Happy Birthday on the uke to a close friend. Every class there was both laughter and learning. And I loved the tea and chocolate almonds at break time!
From Beginners through Beginners 2 (a few times!) to Intermediate, from basis strumming to finger-picking and bar chords, from singing to reading tab, it was stimulating, inspiring, and always enjoyable. Even the end-of-term in-class "concerts" were scarily exciting. I enjoyed many extra classes (Christmas, voice, and others), and really appreciated the music theory from Andrew. I loved your highly organized Uke Fest, and attending the VUO concerts.
I raved about Ruby's Ukes to others. I enjoyed all your various teaching styles, Ruby, Andrew, Eduardo, and also Tim, and also benefited from Andrew's luthier skills on my uke and guitar. And I have a beautiful uke strap made by Hansol.
I have two of your CDs and have held on to all of the music arrangements and the music-theory sheets you generously prepared and shared.
I wish all of you the very best and look forward to hearing about the next great adventure! "